About me

umeå, västerbotten, Sweden
Girl who wishes to live in a castle at the mountain Montserrat but probably will stay put in a bigger city for later going in peace on the countryside. Loves to play with words, and pictures, telling stories. My story begins in Umeå and will finish who knows where, since I love waking up in new places.


torsdag 2 maj 2013

I had a dream...

and it´s silly, I mean really silly. I had to talk to my ex-boyfriend this night, we had some unfinished business. One of his neighbors were in contact with me and told me that she was worried about him. I told her I will contact him, to see if everything is fine, and surely I think everything was gonna be fine with him. He has moved to the carribean, I mean, how can not everything be fine with him?

I talked to him for a short while, it was a good talk, like good-old-times, but I´m afraid of falling apart again and getting hurt. Of course. I haven´t been able to trust anyone for a really long time, not that I don´t want, because I think you need people around you that you can trust. Without trust there is no love. I know that. Well, I haven´t been able to trust my ex, he has been saying he wanted to come and see me. Sure, he wanted but he never did. And I falled down in my black rabbit hole, where I stayed, no one has breaked my heart like that.

About the dream I dreamed, well, the little I dreamed because I had it hard to sleep, I dreamed that he would come to find me and asked me to marry him. He had matured as well. This whole thing is a silly dream, but I still had it, and it was beautiful. But I know you can´t be together with an artist, two artists can´t be together because they are emotional ticking bombs, so it is really hard. I already seen it because I exploded emotionally, I haven´t had these emotions for quite a while. I just never wanna get hurten like I´ve been hurten by friends and foes. I´m scared, but this frightness might actually help me to make a superimportant decision.

Bye guys.

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