About me

umeå, västerbotten, Sweden
Girl who wishes to live in a castle at the mountain Montserrat but probably will stay put in a bigger city for later going in peace on the countryside. Loves to play with words, and pictures, telling stories. My story begins in Umeå and will finish who knows where, since I love waking up in new places.


torsdag 23 maj 2013

I´m glad

I got an interview for a job at a accesorize-shop and tomorrow I will be working in a reception, somewhere, I don´t really know but I´ll find my way one way or another. I always do. Besides that I´ve been walking the streets, found some really cool streetart places. I got some pictures on my phone but since I have an android phone and a mac computer I can´t syncronize and transfer the pictures. Worst ever. I give you a ego-webcamera picture of happy me in the café, drinking coffee and doing some homework. Soon finished with the brochure, I just need to write a report and analyze a print-thingy. I´m gonna do the analyze now, and then eat and do the report.

After rain comes sunshine, or does it? Seems like it never gonna stop raining in Oslo. I don´t mind, I have a nice new flowerish umbrella, best buy ever!

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