About me

umeå, västerbotten, Sweden
Girl who wishes to live in a castle at the mountain Montserrat but probably will stay put in a bigger city for later going in peace on the countryside. Loves to play with words, and pictures, telling stories. My story begins in Umeå and will finish who knows where, since I love waking up in new places.


fredag 24 maj 2013

The post-it queen is back

Always loved to make notes. Now when I'm working in a reception there are post-its available and I make notes all the times to myself. Things to remember, things to do, things to cook, anything. Now I`m really tired because there have been a lot of things to remember and I got to bed really late last night, looking at the series skins for the second time. Dont really fancy series, but that serie I like. I reminds me about our flaws and how we can get pass them, not by doing drugs, but just watching lives of really fucked up youth gives you a reality check. So check! Now I`m gonna go and find some new shirts, can`t be looking like this, wearing this same shirt for the 3rd day, cleaned a little bit by hand :P French showered my shirt, fast solution. Then tonight I don`t have any plans, don`t have many friends here yet. I need to get started at my photoproject so probably I go to bed to watch a movie, to wake up early tomorrow to get started. If I get restless which I usually do, I`ll just have to go out in this city and have some fun. Tt`s not as easy as in Barcelona to find some people, but it`s easier than Umeå. Every time I went out in the streets of Barcelona I found some people. I`ve decided to try to learn as much norweigan as possible, I had it a little bit difficult today in the reception and I really do wanna avoid these kind of situations of miss-communication. I had to run around everywhere to fix some things that I didn`t really need to fix. Now I soon finish my day, it was a good one so let`s continue in that way! I don`t want any messy drunk nights this weekend, like the other weekend. So enjoy one for me!

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