About me

umeå, västerbotten, Sweden
Girl who wishes to live in a castle at the mountain Montserrat but probably will stay put in a bigger city for later going in peace on the countryside. Loves to play with words, and pictures, telling stories. My story begins in Umeå and will finish who knows where, since I love waking up in new places.


onsdag 15 maj 2013

Tribute to Barcelona

I´m always gonna miss my hometown Barcelona, god damnit! Why did we have to end it? Well, it was one chapter of my life, maybe I´ll be back some day but then living outside the big city where you can catch a train in to the city whenever you feel like it.

Hello Barcelona, nice to see you again with friends. 

Nice to enjoy the sundown.

Nice to walk the streets,

Have some drinks,

See things,

Drinking sangria and hanging out in the parc,

Being cleaned-up for just some seconds,

Drinking devilish punch,

And getting right down crazy,

We love you Barcelona, and we miss you.

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