About me

umeå, västerbotten, Sweden
Girl who wishes to live in a castle at the mountain Montserrat but probably will stay put in a bigger city for later going in peace on the countryside. Loves to play with words, and pictures, telling stories. My story begins in Umeå and will finish who knows where, since I love waking up in new places.


måndag 3 juni 2013

Sooooo tired

Couldn`t sleep this night because Ì had changed my day rythm this weekend completely, out til six in the morning with my beloving Elina.

While at trying to sleep I started watching a swedish/Danish serie called Bron which have a lot of intrigues, but I`m doubtful if I`ll like it. I`m not someone who watches series, and if I do they gotta be good. Don`t like Games of thrones or Suits because it`s so B, and to be honest, I never really gave those series any chanse. Just felt like waste of my time. Jeje

Now I`m drinking coffee hoping it will go straight to my head. I had tons of things to do in the reception and all the systems stopped working. Quite embarrasing was it when a acquaintance showed up here at the desk and I didn`t even recordnize it til she left, and I said hey, I know you, sorry. She`s like, no worries, I see your busy. She even spoke to me when I was working and like, hey, take a breath, didn`t see her. Fail.

So now I`m having my last day here so we`ll see where I end up next time, I`m having two interviews on friday, a exam tomorrow I`ll have to prepare myself for, and hand in my project which I have barely started. I made a sketch yesterday of the print-thingie, that`s all. Then I need to do it in Indesign and write a report. Yupp, I`ll probably kill myself this week. And I`m so tired....

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