About me

umeå, västerbotten, Sweden
Girl who wishes to live in a castle at the mountain Montserrat but probably will stay put in a bigger city for later going in peace on the countryside. Loves to play with words, and pictures, telling stories. My story begins in Umeå and will finish who knows where, since I love waking up in new places.


onsdag 31 augusti 2016

To do or not to do

I was making some lifechanging decisions today. I've been suffering from anxiety and depression on and off throughout my life, mostly because of lack of creativity. But now I asked for some help from my job, giving myself a break from the work I have right now. At the moment Im working at a customerservice, and its killing my creativity, as the university did. I need to find my creative spot, talking about gardening, cooking, photographing and painting. Im sick of compromising with the things I really enjoy to do, such as writing.

Everything started a while ago, with a heavy tireness, and had a hard time taking criticism and easy irritated. After a while I was in a black hole of anxiety. Especially when I got back to sweden and couldnt find myself adapting to the swedish community and mentality, the need of constant confirmation and moneytalking. Of course I need it once in a while, confirmation, but that is for the things I really like doing, like writing. I havent had that for a while, though I know Im good at this and probably will work with it in the future. The future is now. And I have to take care of my time, and my well-being.

During my depression and period of anxiety I learned one or few things. I learn to like the melancolic feeling which is dangerous. I dont wanna be melancolic all the time, but maybe just accept that I am once in a while, like most people. Though I never learned how to canalize my feelings to something creative, oh how I wish I could. I also learned how to accept the anxiety as a way of my mind telling me something, that Im not happy where Im at and what Im doing. Inspelad of laying in a bed of anxiety I let it wake me up and get me going with the day. So even If it woke me up early in the morning with nausea I came to use it as a sign and a tool to get on with my life.

Hopefully I will start my projects soon, just need to make sure Im in a inspiring place which my hometown can be. Lets hope I will have some use of my studies in media and communication and that I can bring something good to this world in the end.

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