About me

umeå, västerbotten, Sweden
Girl who wishes to live in a castle at the mountain Montserrat but probably will stay put in a bigger city for later going in peace on the countryside. Loves to play with words, and pictures, telling stories. My story begins in Umeå and will finish who knows where, since I love waking up in new places.


tisdag 20 september 2016

That feeling of helplessness

Laying in my bed this morning tryin to remember the thoughts and feelings I had last night. This is important for everyone, to try to sooth your mind. To remember particular feelings.

I came to acknowledge that I given myself up for love just recently and its one of the most amazing feeling but at the same time one of the worst. Its interesting how everything seems to have two faces and that there is really not just one truth. This is philosophic me writing.
Im feeling so vurnerable right now, but also helpless since I have no power over how this will turn out. And this feeling of helplessness makes me so desperate, and that is scary because when I get desperate I dont recorgnize myself.

However, Last night I also tried to more then just acknowledge that feeling of helplessness and desperation more then just something bad and found myself in a point of no return. That I already given myself into this and that I only have to accept these feelings. That I cant really do anything about it more then try to understand my feelings and embrace them. This is something I learned when I suffered from depression, acknowledge of feelings and accepting them. This is really soothing for your mind. Instead of tryin to find a solution I just go by them, let them be your inner compass just as the anxiety was when I was depressed. Anxiety is a way of your body and mind telling you that something is wrong, that you have to look at your situation from another perspective, outside your mind and body.
And more then that, just let go, and accept that you cant do very much. More then focusing on yourself and get on with your life.

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