About me

umeå, västerbotten, Sweden
Girl who wishes to live in a castle at the mountain Montserrat but probably will stay put in a bigger city for later going in peace on the countryside. Loves to play with words, and pictures, telling stories. My story begins in Umeå and will finish who knows where, since I love waking up in new places.


tisdag 17 februari 2015

The fault in our stars


Been a long time, many times I wondered to write but I couldn´t really come up with anything besides cheesy titles, the words just doesn´t seem to be flowing out of me. Sometimes I´m superinspired, like I´ve been these days, but it seems I get stuck upon words instead. I kind of lost myself, relying upon others writing. I´ve been reading a lot and it is to be said that it improves your writing. However, I just get stuck between words, losing my own expression, trying to find my way back. I should just start writing, that´s the only way. Right now I just feel like a shade of myself, and I guess it´s due to my lack of creativness. The only thing I´m actually enjoying right now is cooking, and baking, listening to music. But I miss writing, drawing, and having a flush of overwelming feelings that I just feel like I need to express. They are there bubbling inside of me, but I just can´t seem to express them. Soon I explode, probably, hope you´re not around.

Right now I´m writing cause I wanna make just a small tribute to the wonderful book and film The fault in our stars. I remember watching this and I never cried so much. I wouldn´t say I´m one of those bleedy persons, but I´m very sensitive even if it doesn´t come out that way. However, about that book, its about a girl named Hazel whom is suffering from cancer, and while at she meets this boy and they have a crush. Can´t tell you that much more because it will ruin your journey reading it. The whole book is like a rollercoaster of emotions.

I´m gonna have some lunch now, and continue studying for my big exam tomorrow, just like that, I´m leaving you. Bye.

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