About me

umeå, västerbotten, Sweden
Girl who wishes to live in a castle at the mountain Montserrat but probably will stay put in a bigger city for later going in peace on the countryside. Loves to play with words, and pictures, telling stories. My story begins in Umeå and will finish who knows where, since I love waking up in new places.


torsdag 22 september 2016

You can follow me

At @grimy1987 at instagram. Im more about the visual language, so send me a request If you want to get a insight in my life!

Right now Im just waiting and anticipating, really. Pretty much for everything in life, so my life has been on hola. Guess its not the best strategy when you know what you wanna do. So what am I waiting for? Its not like Im getting any younger. But I need experience before I get started by myself so anyone who is in a need of a good writer or contentmanager please let me know. Not that I ask for much but I value my work and Im good at connectionbuilder. Even If I havent got that far yet. And there is no excuse for that. More then that I been misplaced and have problems finding my creative spot. Because when Im with right people, Im a ideas man, finding new was of looking at concepts. Its just that I have problems with adapting myself, I just want to be, and not compromise too much. Feels like I have been doing that since I was a little kid listening to people saying "dont do that", "be like this", "do more like this" and making me feel more average to fit the mold. If you think about it, its not really weird that Im so insecure about my potential.

Its not easy to be you, growing up in a small town, now times have changed here, and its more multicultural then ever. I remember growing up, never feeling really "swedish" or "fitting in", gosh I hate these expressiones but we still use them on daily basis and its the easiest way to explain. I never felt as home as in Barcelona and Mexico city and their liberating minds. Its weird how much easier it is to be you when you are  anonymous in a big city. I love feeling anonymous, even If I give some great details about my life here.

Yeah, just some blabbering thoughts of today. Gonna have a rest now.

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